Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Weight Loss or the Lack Thereof

I haven't really posted anything on my weight loss for a long time, mostly because I haven't been losing any!
I went through a plateau period where I was working out and watching my diet, but was not losing any weight. Then I got lazy and started eating a bit of junk, then a bit more, and then I was having chocolate for breakfast, but amazingly......I didn't gain any weight. I didn't lose any, obviously, but I didn't gain either and I got really comfortable with that. But, I'm back to feeling uncomfortable with it and I really want to get rid of these last 10 or 15 pounds!

So I've been upping my water consumption, doing my workouts more frequently(at least 4 times a week), and I'm trying to get back into my better eating habits. For a woman who L-O-V-E-S food, that is by far the biggest challenge. I picked a great time to do it too, Christmas....when all I want to do is bake treats and eat them!
So here are a few things I'm planning to do to get through the holidays without gaining, and while hopefully losing, some poundage:

  • When baking, I've found that if I chew on some minty sugar-free gum I don't taste the treats as I'm making them.
  • I plan to give away any goodies I make before I eat them all
  • Keep exercising
  • Drink my 64 oz mug of water before I allow myself any diet soda during the day
  • Practice moderation at all parties that include yummy goodies by using a small plate or just a napkin and by filling up on veggie trays if they're available
I hope everyone else is having a great holiday season! May your days be Merry & "Lite"!


mbbatch04 said...

Good ideas! Hopefully I will take away some good ideas and put them to good use! The sad part is that I know what to do I just never do it!

Jill Skouson said...

Good luck Ashley! I agree that it sure is a hard time of year to be trying to watch what you eat. For about 6 months I've been limiting myself to treats and junk food by only eating that stuff on the weekend. I find that it's easier to give it up knowing I can have it in just a few days. Then on the days I can have treats I'm finding I don't eat as much as I usually would because I'm not as used to eating it.

Cary said...

Hey Ash, I just thought I'd let you know that as a long lost (and now found!) cousin, who hadn't seen you in years, I think you look GREAT! Keep up the good work and don't be too hard on yourself either. =)