Thursday, April 1, 2010

Springtime in Utah

Today is April 1st. April is usually a month that we equate with Spring. You know, blossoms on the trees, sunshine, warmer weather, maybe a few showers. Well, guess what we saw when we woke up yesterday morning.....

Yup. Snow. And guess what it did all day yesterday.
Yup. Snow.
And guess what we woke up to today.
Yup. More snow.

I pulled out my ruler and measured. There are 7 inches of snow on the top of our Jeep. That is 7 inches too many! Oh, and guess what is falling outside my window right now.
Yup. Snow.
It's not that I don't like snow. I just think it has it's own place in the seasons and that is Christmastime! Does snow belong in March and April? Not so much.
I guess Mother Nature didn't get the memo.

1 comment:

Tina said...

I couldn't believe it either....let's get the shovel back out!