Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Late Weekly Weigh-in

I'm a bit late posting my WW progress this last week, mostly because I'm so darn frustrated with it!  But, I'm not sure anyone but me and maybe my mom read this blog, so I figured no one would care if I waited a bit.  
I weighed in last Saturday at 180, which is a gain of 0.4.  I was not a happy camper!  Last week I did everything by the book.  I tracked and stayed in my points allowance.  I worked out for 5 days, 3 cardio and 2 weight training.  I drank my water.  I was totally expecting a loss of at least one pound.
  During my previous WW stints, I steadily lost 1 or more pounds a week.  I've been at it for 7 weeks now and have lost only 4.4lbs.  And I fought tooth and nail for those! 

I wish I could say that this recent frustration with the scale led me to eat better this week, but so far it's been the opposite.  I've pulled out my secret weapon Denise Austin DVD, Shrink Your Female Fat Zones.  Sounds corny, I know.  But I bought it after Jonah was born and doing it at least 3 times per week helped me shed around 60 lbs after that and then lose 30 after Lilly.  So, I've done the DVD twice this week and done cardio at the gym twice.  It probably won't offset the pizza, ice cream, chocolate, chicken salad sandwich, and chili cheese potato that I've consumed this week.  Guess I'd better hop back on the fruit and veggie wagon.  

I've really been trying to figure out what is different this time around and why I'm having such a hard time shedding these pounds.  I'm at a loss.  The WW plan is a little different than it used to be, but I'm following it so I don't think that could be the problem.  The only significant difference I can think of is my stress level.  Taking 9 credits, doing my church callings, and being a full time mother and wife can really take it out of you.  I'm finding that I don't have as much time to really focus on tracking, trying new recipes, checking out the website for new ideas, etc.  I'm not sure if it's that much of a factor.  I'm also not getting a whole lot of sleep.  I get about 6 hours a night...maybe. I'm just rambling. 
So.........yeah.  That's where I'm at.  Who knows where I'm going. 

1 comment:

Shiree said...

Sleep makes all the difference. Sleep and water are my secrets. (sort of)