Wednesday, July 6, 2011

4th of July!

Well, I hope you all had a wonderful Independence Day!  I started mine by running in the local 5K race.  There weren't very many runners, but it was fun and I was planning to do a run that morning anyway.  I finished in 32 minutes, which isn't fast, but it's not super slow either.  I really liked having a finish line at the end of my run. =) 
Nate had to work all day.  My mom and sisters came down and brought the kids to the park where the race ended and we had breakfast there.  Then we went home and got all cleaned up for the parade. 
The kids loved the parade!  All three of them were cheering and clapping and dancing throughout the entire thing. 
We got rained on this year.  It's a good thing Grandma Laurie brought her umbrella!

 After the parade, Grandma Laurie(my mom) treated us to pizza at our house.  We checked out the booths and carnival at the park. I have to say I was a bit disappointed.  The carnival prices were ridiculous and the booths were sparse and mostly just things for sale, no fun little games for the kids or anything. But we did get a cute picture from West Bench Photography's photo booth and the kids played a couple of overpriced carnival games and then we hit the playground before deciding to come home and play in the kids' pool.  
The kids' cute photo booth pic.  They got their faces, well arms in the girls' case, painted. 

We did a few fireworks of our own before bed.  
It's the little things in life, right? =)

The girls were exhausted and went right to sleep.  Jonah stayed awake and watched all the aerial fireworks going off around the neighborhood and then watched the Magna fireworks from the front porch with Mom and Dad.  
It was a fun and busy day.  And we all paid for it on the 5th. =)

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