Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Late Weekly Weigh-in

I'm a bit late posting my WW progress this last week, mostly because I'm so darn frustrated with it!  But, I'm not sure anyone but me and maybe my mom read this blog, so I figured no one would care if I waited a bit.  
I weighed in last Saturday at 180, which is a gain of 0.4.  I was not a happy camper!  Last week I did everything by the book.  I tracked and stayed in my points allowance.  I worked out for 5 days, 3 cardio and 2 weight training.  I drank my water.  I was totally expecting a loss of at least one pound.
  During my previous WW stints, I steadily lost 1 or more pounds a week.  I've been at it for 7 weeks now and have lost only 4.4lbs.  And I fought tooth and nail for those! 

I wish I could say that this recent frustration with the scale led me to eat better this week, but so far it's been the opposite.  I've pulled out my secret weapon Denise Austin DVD, Shrink Your Female Fat Zones.  Sounds corny, I know.  But I bought it after Jonah was born and doing it at least 3 times per week helped me shed around 60 lbs after that and then lose 30 after Lilly.  So, I've done the DVD twice this week and done cardio at the gym twice.  It probably won't offset the pizza, ice cream, chocolate, chicken salad sandwich, and chili cheese potato that I've consumed this week.  Guess I'd better hop back on the fruit and veggie wagon.  

I've really been trying to figure out what is different this time around and why I'm having such a hard time shedding these pounds.  I'm at a loss.  The WW plan is a little different than it used to be, but I'm following it so I don't think that could be the problem.  The only significant difference I can think of is my stress level.  Taking 9 credits, doing my church callings, and being a full time mother and wife can really take it out of you.  I'm finding that I don't have as much time to really focus on tracking, trying new recipes, checking out the website for new ideas, etc.  I'm not sure if it's that much of a factor.  I'm also not getting a whole lot of sleep.  I get about 6 hours a night...maybe. I'm just rambling. 
So.........yeah.  That's where I'm at.  Who knows where I'm going. 

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Clippie Queen!

We're trying to grow out Lilly's hair.  She doesn't like ponytails, so we've kept it short for a long time.  But, frankly, I'm sick of having to get it trimmed so much and she looked so pretty with long hair.  Anyway, Nate has started doing ponytails in her hair (she won't let me do it, only Daddy).  Nate's version of a ponytail or pigtails is a bit messier than what I prefer, but hey, she's letting him put elastics in her hair which is a huge step forward!
Since her short haircut had a lot of layers and she has her bangs growing out, we use a lot of hair clips, or "clippies" as we like to call them.  Nate lets Lilly pick out which ones she wants and then puts them in.  Here's her 'do' from yesterday.  

She's definitely the Clippie Queen!  Sadly, it only stays in for maybe three quarters of the day. 

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Weekly Weigh In

Yesterday, I weighed in at 179.6 which is a loss of 0.2.  A tiny number, I know.  But a loss is a loss is a loss and after the week I had, I'll take it.  
I didn't track at all last week, I had cupcakes, pizza, birthday cakes, mexican food, coldstone ice cream, and Easter candy.  I blame stress(school, RS party that I helped with, cub scouts, and a lovely little lawsuit we're dealing with), or maybe too many social functions, or maybe I just need to tell the truth and blame myself and my choices.  After all, no matter what else is going on in my life, what I put in my mouth is ultimately my decision.  So.....this week my goal is to track everything!  So far, so good. 

Nate Turned 30!

Actually, he's been 30 for a whole week now.  I'm just ridiculously slow in acknowledging it here on the blog.  Nate's birthday was last Monday.  Nate likes his birthdays to be very understated.  The Saturday before, I wanted to take him on a birthday date and let him decide what we would do.  We went to Best Buy and picked up a new CD by Cage the Elephant.  Then we had some lunch at Bajio Mexican Grill.  It was the first time we'd been there and I'm sorry to say we were a bit disappointed.  Not bad, just not great.  
After lunch we headed to Coldstone Creamery to share some ice cream.  Then, on the way home, we did some serious "mudding" in the Wrangler. My knuckles were beyond white.
After we got home, we loaded up the kids and took the little outing to Grantsville that I posted about.  
On Monday, Nate's actual birthday, we didn't really do too much.  He got some gifts.  His mom made him a new quilt complete with John Deere and chili peppers on it.  The kids and I got him some tee shirts and a movie. His sister, Amanda, dropped off some fun DVD's and yummy chocolates.  
Nate with some of his birthday swag
Nate's not big on cake, but the kids are.  So we picked up some cupcakes and sang to him and blew out a candle.  Yes, just one.  That was my fault.  I forgot to buy candles at the store and I only had a couple.  So the kids enjoyed the cupcakes and I got Nate some Ben & Jerry's Pistachio Pistachio ice cream (his favorite).  
Anyway, the point of all this is that this beautiful Earth has been blessed with the presence of Nate for 30 whole years now and I, for one, am so incredibly grateful for it.  Happy Birthday Love!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Our Saturday Adventure or Yes. My children are still alive.

It seems like all I ever put on this blog anymore is stuff about weight watchers or school.  This semester is keeping me busy and I've been a bit lazy about taking pictures of the kids and posting about the fun stuff we do.  So, I assure you that my husband and children are all alive and well.  Here's some proof. 
Last Saturday, we decided to load up the family and have a little adventure.  We headed out to a place outside of Grantsville to do a little shooting with the .22 and climb some rocks.  The kids loved watching Nate and I show off our "mad shooting skills", as Jonah puts it.  Then they stacked some rocks and had a great time climbing on the rocks. It was so nice to get outside in the fresh air and just do something relaxing together as a family.  As you look at the pictures, you'll notice that there really aren't any of Jayne.  That's because she fell asleep on the drive and slept in the Jeep through the whole thing.  She woke up just as we were ready to leave, so we got her out and let her walk around a bit and climb, but I didn't get any pictures.  

Weekly Weigh In

So I know I'm a bit late reporting this week.  Sorry about that.  Anyhoo,  I weighed in last Saturday at 179.8, which is exactly the same as the week before.  I'm telling you, this isn't going to be an easy journey.  I've decided that no matter what the scale may say from week to week, I've just got to focus on the behaviors.  If I'm drinking my water, getting my workouts in, tracking my food and staying within my points, then I consider it a good week.  Even if the scale says nothing happened. I'm feeling better, my clothes are fitting better, and people are starting to notice.  
So, last week was a good week.  As for this week.....that may be a different story entirely thanks to my husband's birthday, a relief society birthday party, Easter candy, babysitting, and stress of a million different kinds which I won't go into right now.  But, as of this morning, according to my home scale, I'm still exactly the same. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price

For an assignment in my economics class, I had to watch this movie about Wal-Mart and write a response paper.  I had heard here and there that Wal-Mart wasn't the greatest company, but I still shop there because we're trying to raise a family on one not so high salary.  After watching this movie, I think I'll do my best to avoid it as much as possible.  The way they treat their employees and even their customers is appalling.  If you haven't seen this movie before (it is a few years old), then you should.  Click on this link and check it out.  It will open your eyes. 

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Weekly Weigh In

This morning I weighed in at 179.8, that's a LOSS of 2.8lbs.  Finally!  So, what was different this week?  Not much.  I only got in 3 workouts, all cardio.  I was good about getting my waters in, and I tracked my eating almost every day.  When you stick to the plan, it works.