Friday, June 25, 2010

Backyard Camping....or not.

Nate loves to go camping. Me? Not so much. But I decided that I should just suck it up and be more supportive about it. After all, it's a great way to get away from home, it's relatively inexpensive (after you've got all your gear), it's a great way to spend time as a family, and Nate says it relaxes him. Not much relaxes Nate, so that's a big deal.
So for Father's Day, we got some camping stuff! We bought a Coleman Cabin Tent that is definitely big enough for all of us, we got some air mattresses for comfort, and a small camping stove so that we can have more variety in our meals.
Nate set up the tent in the backyard on Wednesday just to make sure everything was there and worked right. The kids love it! They wanted to sleep in it that night.

Lilly & Jayne playing in the tent

Lilly struck a pose for the camera

So, we attempted a back yard camping trip. It didn't last long. The kids were great. They went right to sleep. I was actually starting to doze off when I felt something crawling on my face. It was an ant. We have been finding a zillion ants in our yard and on our driveway lately. I brushed it off and tried to rest. Then Nate felt one crawling on his arm. That's when we decided to pack it in. Where there are two ants, there are many! So we got everyone back inside. Nate sprayed some ant killer around the tent. When we went out to take down the tent the next day, we found quite a few ants right around it.
Anyway, our next attempt will be in an actual campground somewhere. We're open to suggestions. Somewhere not too far from the Salt Lake Valley would be good.
So that was our camping adventure. We've got the gear! Now we just have to find the time to go camping.
Wish us luck!


Unknown said...

We just went camping last night and it was my worse camping experience ever!! I ususally really enjoy camping, but on last nights adventure I saw a huge snake, a bunch of ground squirrels (okay, those were actually really cute), a bat flew into my chest, we were hiking and came accross a skunk, and then I realized that all the twigs I was walking on and crunching under my feet were actually black beetles. We went home at 9:30!! I was crying a lot. We never went camping in Utah, so I can't help you there. But Dustin and I always compromise with camping and go to campsites that have running water and bathrooms. It makes me feel a little better about the whole ordeal.
Needless to say, I'm not camping again for a while.

Amanda and Ryan said...

Granite Flats and Timpanoki (sp) campgrounds are super close. They are up by Timpanogos. Love the picture by the HUGE tent!