Saturday, June 12, 2010

Rainy days are the best days to visit the zoo! We found this out yesterday. Our awesome neighbor works at the Hogle Zoo and offered to put us on "the list". (wink, wink) So my mom, my sister Sarah, and I took advantage of it and took the kids to see the animals in all of their wild glory.
There was hardly anyone else there because you have to be crazy to go to the zoo on a rainy day, right? Probably, but it was a lot of fun. The animals were all very visible, including the tigers which always seem to be hiding when we've come before. We also got there right after feeding time so we got to see all the animals, particularly the monkeys and the elephants, chowing down. We also saw their "Nature's Nightmares" exhibit. Jonah was really excited about that one. We saw some vultures, leeches, scorpions, piranhas, and some bats up close.
We got soaking wet, but had a great time. Oh, and I've got the pictures to prove it!(aren't you all so proud of me?)

Lilly & Jonah each had to have their own umbrella and their own maps. They held their maps out the entire time, even after they were starting to fall apart because they were so wet.

Here's Lilly showing me her map

Jayne really liked seeing the animals this year. Here she is intently watching the elephant.
They have a place in the Asian Highlands exhibit called Grandma's House. We'd never been in there before because it was always crowded, but today there was no one but us. It was fun for the kids to see what an Asian highland home would look like. They got to hit a gong, play drums, and Lilly tried on this fun hat.

And just one more of Jayne because her "cheeeeeese!" smile is my favorite.

So now you can all add "going to the zoo" to your list of fun things to do on a rainy day.


Missy said...

Looks like it was fun even though it was raining... Love the kids with the umbrella's so cute..

The Tanner Family said...

Looks like you gus had fun") Never thoughtthe zoo could be fun on a rainy day☺