Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Jonah's Birthday

Today is Jonah's 5th birthday! That's a whole hand! He had a great time at preschool today. He got to take treats and his teachers gave him a goodie bag, party hat, and let him pick out a stuffed animal. He chose a little green frog.
Aunt Rachel is going to come take him and Lilly to McDonald's and he'll get to open a couple presents tonight after dinner. We're having the big family hoopla on Saturday afternoon.
When I told Jonah that the party isn't until Saturday he just said, "Mom, why does my birthday take so many days?" So I explained that we couldn't have the party today because everyone is at work. He was okay with that, but still wishes his party were today. I'm with him on that one. I think it's always great to be able to celebrate your birthday ON your birthday.

1 comment:

Grandma Lolly said...

I can't believe it's been 5 years since I become a grandma! Tell Jonah that while it's fun to celebrate on your real birthday, it's also fun to have 2 or 3 'birhtdays' each year! Mine always seems to include several days worth of celebrating and I kind of like it.

Love to all,
Grandma L