Monday, March 23, 2009

"Seriously Honey! You need to go to the doctor!"

SO, any of you who know my fabulous husband know that he doesn't go to the doctor. I've dragged him there a couple of times for really Serious stuff. But mostly that man is too stubborn. Well, last Thursday, on his first day back at work after our trip, Sweet Nate broke his pinky toe on his right foot. Now I KNOW that the doctor "can't do anything for a pinky toe" and "it would just be a waste of time", BUT I still think he should have gone to workmed. Since it happened AT work. That way at least it's documented in case there's some complication or something. Well, now it's Monday and Nate's still hobbling around and that poor toe has started to turn all kinds of beautiful colors. It's covered in fantastical shades of blue, green, purple, and even some black. So, will he go to the doctor now? Nope. Not a chance. Will he baby his toe and take it just LITTLE BIT easy at work? Yeah, right.
I sure am grateful to have such a hard working hubby. Here's hoping his toe doesn't fall off! Love you!

1 comment:

Grandma Lolly said...

The vet I was rating today had 2 broken pinkie toes during his service. Treatment was to buddy tape them to the next toe and to wear hard-soled shoes. For what it's worth! Love you all!
Mom C