Saturday, February 6, 2010

C'mon, Get Happy!

I'm usually a pretty optimistic person, occasionally bordering on the delusional. But lately, I'm having a hard time seeing the 'brighter side of Sears' as Nate would say. I think it's partly the usual winter blues, part stress, part frustration with our current situation and how we can't ever seem to change it, and part exhaustion from caring for sick kids, sick husband, sick self constantly for the last month. We've had sinus infections, ear infection, eye infections, pink eye, coughs, name it. I took Jayne to the doctor last night, which made our fifth doctor visit in the last four weeks in our family. She's got the ear infection/sinus infection/eye infection thing that Nate has.

Anyhoo....back to the point. Lately all this has really been getting me down. So I was thinking about it last night and I decided that I need to make the time to do things that make me happy and help me feel better about life. These things don't usually occur on their own during my day without me deliberately making the choice to do them. They include, but are not limited to.....
  • playing the piano---I've played piano for a lot of years. You can usually tell my mood by what I choose to play. A Chopin Nocturne, for example, would probably represent a melancholy feeling or a need to relax. If I'm pounding out my favorite Rachmaninoff prelude, I could be a bit upset or stressed. Playing a triple forte always makes me feel better.
  • taking a hot bath---as a mom, I usually get about 5 or 10 minutes to shower and they're usually interrupted by one or more of my sweet offspring. A hot bubble bath in a candle lit bathroom is one of my favorite ways to unwind, but is also a luxury that doesn't come easy. I'm just going to have to wait until all the kids are in bed and are definitely asleep for this one.
  • watching some 'Friends'--- this is my favorite TV show of all time! It always makes me laugh, no matter what kind of mood I'm in.
  • Eating some chocolate---now this one actually does occur more than it probably should. I'm not ashamed to say that food makes me happy. What I really need to do though, is get some of the good stuff. Maybe some Dove chocolates or some truffles. Just one of those a day is enough to lift my mood.
  • Go to the temple---Nate and I usually go about once a month. We haven't been since December because of everyone being sick. I always find it so peaceful there. My mind can just relax.
  • Light a scented candle---smells can have such an amazing effect on how we think and how we feel. We have a mango cilantro candle that I love, but I hardly ever light it and just sit and inhale the pleasant aroma.
Well, there's my list for now. I'm feeling sunnier already! Feel free to leave a comment and let me know what little things you do to help lift your spirits. I'm always up for trying new things!

1 comment:

Deborah said...

Those are all fantastic idea's Ashley. They are all on my list. I'd just add reading a good book. I love being able to escape into another world for a short time and sort of become another person in that world.