Monday, March 15, 2010

Happy Birthday to Nate!

Yesterday was Nate's 29th birthday. Yes, I know what you're thinking. He doesn't look 29! honor of the love of my life I am going to share with you...

29 things about Nate

1. Nate is an extremely hard worker. If you don't believe me, you can go over to Les Schwab and watch him for half an hour. Or you could have him help you move. You'll be thinking he's a crazy man.

2. Nate was born in St. George, but lived his entire life, right up until we got married and I dragged him off to the freezing cold of northern Utah, in Las Vegas.

3. Nate ran cross country in high school.

4. Nate has never ridden a horse. I'm working on remedying this situation this year. He's always wanted to, but the opportunity never arose.

5. Nate can play the cello. He played in orchestras all through junior high and high school.

6. Nate loves to go shooting, but doesn't get to very often. He's never been hunting, he just likes to go target shooting. Among his favorite things to use as targets are old televisions, spray paint cans, phone books, glass bottles, etc.

7. Nate is a sort of jack-of-all-trades. Some of the jobs he's had include working for the Nevada Water Authority(I think that's the name of it), mowing lawns and doing landscaping, flower delivery, bank teller, grocery stocker and dairy manager, door to door sales, a brief stint as a car salesman, janitor, apartment manager, school bus driver, and now tire sales and service.

8. Nate earned his Eagle Scout at the age of 14.

9. Nate loves movies! We have over 300 movies and we watch one together practically every night. His favorites are war movies or documentaries, action/adventure, and comedy. He's always so good to watch my romantic movies with me too.

10. Nate's favorite TV show of all time is M*A*S*H. We have all 11 seasons and watch them together all the time.

11. Nate would love to be a rancher and have horses and cows and the whole bit.

12. Nate loves the outdoors. He's really working hard to make me like camping so that we'll do it more often.

13. Nate's favorite author is Louis Lamour. He has almost all of his books and could read them over and over. We've even read a few of them together.

14. Nate is a fabulous father! All three of our kids are crazy about him and he's really good to play with them and make time for them, even when he's exhausted from that crazy working we talked about earlier.

15. Nate loves shoes. They are one of his favorite things to shop for.

16. Nate's fluent in Spanish.

17. Nate served an LDS mission in the Mexico Monterrey North mission. Hence the Spanish.

18. Nate used to spend summers in Oregon with his family. They have property up there and would go for a couple of months every year. He loves it up there.

19. Nate's favorite ice cream is pistachio. But it has to be the good stuff, i.e. Ben & Jerry's.

20. Nate has a great sense of humor. He makes me laugh every day.

21. Nate never actually proposed to me. Getting married was just kind of this mutual decision we came to one night. Then after he bought the ring he tried to just give me the wedding band for the engagement ring reasoning that I should wait until the 'big day' to get the 'big ring.' I did not find this amusing.

22. Nate is very generous.

23. Nate is very accepting of other people. Sometimes he has to remind me not to be too judgmental.

24. Nate is allergic to everything! I finally made him go to an allergist this year and they did the scratch test with at least 30 or 40 different allergens on there and every single one of them flared up. Poor guy.

25. Nate loves music. He's got all different genres on his i-pod and loves to listen to music before he falls asleep.

26. Nate has re-broken the same pinkie finger I don't know how many times. It is now permanently crooked.

27. Nate and I met at the Manti Pageant when we were teenagers. The first thing he said to me was "you have beautiful eyes". I'm still not sure if he meant it or it was just a line. =)

28. Nate is getting gray hair. He'll probably be mad that I mentioned that one, but I think it looks good on him. He just gets better as he gets older!

29. Nate is an amazing husband and friend to me. I couldn't ask for better.

I love you Nate! Happy Birthday!


Unknown said...

Happy Happy Birthday, Nate! You're right Ashley, he doesn't look like he's 29! Even if he does have a few gray's. :)

Cary and James said...

What a great idea, Ashley! I feel like I know Nate a little better after that, haha. James' birthday is coming up soon, I may just steal your idea!