Monday, March 29, 2010

I'm so Excited!

I feel like jumping out of my skin right now! I think I may have finally found a way to finish my Bachelor's degree! Hooray!

Just a bit of background....I started college as a music major(vocal performance) and studied that for a few years(I was actually only about 3 semesters from graduating). Then I went and got married and started having babies and college just got put on the back burner, the very back burner.
About a year after Jonah was born I started taking some evening and internet classes in Family Studies at Weber State and decided to make that my major. I find the dynamics of family relationships and development really interesting. Anyway, I did those classes for two semesters, maybe three before taking another hiatus due to moving and marriage and kiddos, blah, blah, blah.
That was about 5 years ago. I've wanted so badly to finish my Bachelor's degree ever since. But being a stay at home mom with a wonderfully devoted and hardworking husband doesn't really give me many options for continuing my education except for online classes.
I've been searching and searching different online degrees, but I couldn't find a family studies degree offered completely online.....until today! I don't know why I didn't find it before, but Utah State University offers an online Bachelor of Science degree in Family Life Studies.
Nothing is set in stone yet, but I've already filled out my admissions application and started my financial aid applications. I really feel that now is the time and this is the way!

Anyhoo, just wanted to share my joy!


Jill Skouson said...

Good for you Ashley!

Cary and James said...

Awesome Ash! USU is my mom and dad's alma mater! Go Aggies! Go Ashely!