Thursday, December 27, 2012

Jonah's Christmas Play

At the kids' school, the entire third grade put on a Christmas program.  Jonah's part was a "reindeer rapper".  His group did a little dance to their song "Hip Hop Reindeer".  The program was called "North Pole Diaries".  They performed twice at school, once for the afternoon kindergarten classes and once for the rest of the school.  They also did a parent performance last Wednesday night.  We got there early enough for front row seats.
It was fun to watch.  Jonah is a very serious performer and I don't think he smiled the entire time.  He gets so focused on remembering the words and doing the right actions that smiling just doesn't happen.  I tried to get a video of his song, but Abram started fussing and wiggling. Nate was working and I just don't have enough hands!
I did get a picture of him in his costume. 

The girls wanted to take a picture on the stage.  This was the day after Jayne's tonsillectomy, hence the pajamas.  
After the program, we got some ice cream cones and headed over to pick up Nate.  Jonah was so proud of himself and his classmates for remembering all the words and doing so well. I was glad to finally know where all these strange songs that my kids had been singing for the past few weeks had been coming from.  Jonah sang them so much at home, that the girls knew all the words too!

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