Thursday, January 28, 2010

Have you seen my sanity?

I really think I've lost it for good this time.

Nate went back to work on the 18th. Ever since then the kids have been pushing my buttons like crazy. I think they are testing the waters. Nate was home for 5 weeks and he's definitely more of a disciplinarian than I am. The kids know that what he says is law. I've decided I need to be tougher. I need to really come through with consequences. This has produced many fake tears and mini-tantrums the last couple of weeks.
For example: Lilly wanted to take her bath this morning before getting dressed. (We usually do them at night) So, I told her that if she took her bath in the morning, she wouldn't get one at night. Jonah, on the other hand, wanted his bath after dinner. Can you guess what happened when he got in the tub? Yep. Total Meltdown! My head hurts just thinking about it. Oh yeah, that's another thing. My poor head is still a bit tender from my graceful ice-capade and I've banged it on cupboards or bunkbeds at least three times today. Ouch!

So, I'm enjoying all of these joyous moments of parenthood lately and my dear sweet husband is pressing forward through the dense jungles of full time school and full time work. He's gone 3 nights a week for class until 10:30. His day off and his evenings that he doesn't have class are spent reading and doing homework and when he finally gets all that done, the poor guy passes out for some much needed rest.

Confession: at first I thought I might actually like having a few evenings to myself after the kids went to bed, but the reality is that those evenings are usually spent doing laundry, cleaning up dinner, and putting the kids back to bed because they got up for one reason or another. When an evening is quiet, it's just plain lonely. Thank goodness it won't last forever and it's for a good cause.

Anyhoo...just had to get all that off my chest. This blog stuff sure is good therapy, and so much cheaper too. If you'll excuse me, I need to go have a diet Pepsi and some deep breaths.

1 comment:

Jaimie said...

My kids were out of control after having Scott home for several weeks too! Now that he's back to school and things are back to the normal routine the kids are winding down. They did this every time he deployed too. I think they really get thrown off when their usual routine changes, even more than we as moms do. Good luck with all your craziness! If your kids are anything like mine they will settle down in a few days. Until then, stock up on my favorite therapy: a coke (Diet Pepsi for you:) and chocolate chips. I love the chips because I can put just a couple in my mouth and suck on them to get the chocolate flavor without all the fat and calories of a Snickers bar. :)