Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Jonah's Tooth

One of Jonah's bottom front teeth has been loose for quite a while. Well, on Sunday morning while I was getting ready for church, Nate decided to take action. Apparently Jonah had been bending the tooth so it was horizontal, but it was still attached. Since Jonah couldn't leave it alone and it was driving him crazy, Nate pulled out his trusty pliers and played dentist. Jonah was very brave. I didn't even hear a peep out of him, which is totally uncharacteristic of Jonah.
Needless to say, Jonah was happy to have the loose tooth out finally and excited about the impending visit from the Tooth Fairy that night.
Here's a picture of Jonah's new smile, which is now sporting 3 empty spaces, and his dollar from the Tooth Fairy.

1 comment:

Amanda and Ryan said...

They grow up so fast! He looks good with a missing tooth and I like his new haircut too!