Thursday, June 10, 2010

Life as We Know It

I've been having a hard time being motivated to post much of anything lately. Probably because I'm spending so much time reading about consumer economics and how to balance work, marriage, and family. When I'm not reading about them, I'm writing papers about them or doing reports or taking tests. Welcome back to college life, huh?
But, it's good to be doing school again. I love learning and exercising my brain!
While I've been so intellectually engaged, summer weather managed to sneak in. Well, not today(it's raining), but it's been pretty warm lately and the kids even broke out their pool, actually it's more of a puddle now that they're getting so big. I'm thinking we need to invest in a slightly larger one.
Jonah is still in school. He's on a year round track. He'll be done on July 2nd. He's so excited to start first grade in the fall. Today he got to eat school lunch with his kindergarten class. He loved it! He went on and on about how delicious his chicken strips were and he was amazed that he had three different drinks to choose from. Yeah, we don't get much lunch variety around here. It's pretty much peanut butter and jelly or macaroni and cheese.
Lilly got a new haircut. No, I don't have pictures. I know, what kind of a mother doesn't immediately take a zillion pictures of her cute little girl's newest 'do?! But I assure you, it looks great. For now, you'll just have to take my word for it.
Jayne is teething. She's on her last two teeth and she's having a monster of a time getting them in. She's had lots of fevers, lots of fussing, and not much sleep for about a week now. Good thing she's so darn cute. It makes the middle of the night crying sessions much more bearable.
Nate's almost done with his Spanish class. THE class that will make or break that bachelor's degree. Pray for him! Seriously! He's right on the edge of passing and has two more assignments and his final exam. It's been a ridiculously difficult class. He shows me the things they have to learn and do and even in English I don't get it and I like to think I'm a pretty smart person. I'm so proud of him for sticking with it!
Wow. It feels good to just type all this up and send it out into the cosmic universe. My stress is going away as we speak. Not to worry, I'm sure it will be back soon.


Jill Skouson said...

I'm so impressed with Ashley! Seriously :)

Shiree said...

No, if you send it into the cosmic universe stress disappears forever. :) I am so glad that you started school again. I know you really wanted to do that! Good luck to Nate!!