Thursday, August 12, 2010

While I was reading one of my friends' blogs, I noticed that it's been two weeks since I posted anything. I think I've just been feeling anti-everything lately, anti-blogging, anti-laundry, anti-cooking, etc.
So, I'm sure you've all just been salivating over your keyboards waiting to see what incredibly exciting things are going on at the Barnum house that would keep me from posting on the blog for two whole weeks! The answer is....not that much.
I finished my summer semester with A's in my two classes. I'm enjoying my little break from school until the 30th when I'll start my two fall classes. I was going to be ambitious and try for three classes during fall semester, but then I looked back on how tricky it's been to juggle the two classes with full-time
mommy-and-wife-dom and realized that there is a thin line between ambition and insanity. So, two classes it is! I'll be taking "child guidance" and "abuse and neglect in the family".
Nate has been work, work, working. Yeah, what else is new?
The kids have been up to their usual....digging in the dirt, playing games, swimming, and going to the park. Jonah starts first grade on Monday. He's super excited to get to stay all day and eat lunch at school.
Lilly doesn't start preschool until after Labor Day. She's a bit jealous that Jonah gets to go back so much sooner than she does.
So, that's about it. Just thought I'd let cyberspace know that I'm still around.

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