Monday, September 20, 2010

The Living Planet Aquarium

Nate had last Saturday off, which rarely happens. We've been really busy and under quite a bit of stress lately, so we decided to spend the day doing something fun together as a family. Jonah has been asking to go to the aquarium for about a month now, so we decided to make that our destination.
They've added a whole new rain forest exhibit and some penguins since the last time we were at the aquarium. They now have piranhas, electric eels, an anaconda, and more. The kids loved everything! They have some stingrays that you can touch. Nate, Jonah, and even Jayne gave it a whirl. Jayne's was more by accident. She was playing with her fingers in the water when one swam right under her hand. She didn't seem to mind it though.
We caught their little critter show about the rain forest. We got to see a hissing cockroach, tarantula, a scorpion that glows in the dark, toad, parrots, and macaws up close and personal. I think that was Jonah's favorite part. He loved seeing the animals and learning more about them. Lilly's favorite were the parrots and macaws in the show. She thought it was so funny that they could talk and do tricks. She wanted to take one home with us.

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