Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me!

Today is my 29th birthday!  Since this blog is for posterity and such, I thought it might be fun to take a little photographic trip down memory lane.  I do it on the kids' birthdays, so why not for mine?  So, ready or not, here we go back to September 13, 1982......Just a warning, since I'm getting old, this could take a while.  29 years is a lot of ground to cover.
My first picture at the hospital.  I weighed in at 7lbs 2.5oz and was 21 inches long.  I was born in Tarzana, CA.  I had 2 older brothers and the story goes that my dad thought the little bows that they stick on babies' heads looked stupid, so he wouldn't let the nurses put one on me. 

My beautiful mother holding me in my blessing dress.  My dress and bonnet were made for me by my Grandma Beth.

My mom entered me in the 1983 North Ogden Cherry Days baby contest.  I won a prize for the blondest hair. 

I think I was 2 or 3 in this picture.  I'm not sure. 
Playing guitar with my dad.  He used to play cowboy songs for us all the time.  "Ghost Riders in the Sky" was always my favorite.

9 years old, in the 3rd grade.  Gotta love the big teeth and ears. =)

I loved to play soccer growing up.  This picture is from 1993.  Don't you just love the stonewashed denim shorts?  I was so on trend!    

We're going to just skip right over junior high, because let's face it, that was my really really awkward period and those pictures just need to be burned.  Besides, it's my birthday, so I get to decide what you do and do not see.  =)  
I sang in choir all through junior high and high school.  This picture is from my senior year, I was 17 in this one. 

I was the president of our high school chamber choir.  This is a picture of our zany bunch! 
Then I went off to college at SUU.  

I still sang in choir (it's kind of mandatory for a music major) and we got to wear these stellar red robes for all of our performances.  This picture is me and my roommate Julieann. 

Me and some of my roommates and neighbors.  These girls made college more fun than should be allowed!

Then I met Nate, got married, and started having babies.  

June 29, 2002

Spring 2004--After I got married and then got pregnant, I totally bought into the "eat whatever you want because you're pregnant" thing and it was not a good idea.  This was me at my heaviest, around 230lbs.  Yikes! 
By the time we had our sweet Lilly, I'd gotten my act together. =)

Jayne came along in October 2008
I love my darling family!

So now I'm 29.  I have a wonderful husband, three beautiful children, I'm a stay at home mom doing school online and I love my life!


Natalie said...

Happy Birthday! Hope it's a good one! Every time I wrote the date today (which I do A LOT at work) I thought of you!

Jill Skouson said...

Fun! Happy Birthday Ashley!

Megan D. said...

Happy Birthday! Love that roommate picture - we really had WAY too much fun!