Friday, October 7, 2011

It's all a bit fuzzy

I keep meaning to blog, but it just never happens.  I don't have any fabulously cute pictures to post or any grand adventures to report.  It's just been life as usual in the Barnum household.  Well, mostly normal. 
Nate got sick a couple of weeks ago.  He kind of has this fabulous history of getting sick and when he gets sick, he goes all out.  No minor colds for this guy.  This time it started with extreme exhaustion, mild fevers, and massive cold sweats.  He was soaking through his clothes in an hour and I had to wash so many sheets and blankets that I lost count.  He didn't have much of an appetite and he was either freezing cold or burning hot all the time and then a lovely cough joined the ensemble.  Being the man that he is, he tried really hard not to miss work.  I made him call in for two days and then on the third day he went in and they sent him home after about 20 minutes.  It took about a week before I was able to drag him to the doctor's office.  The culprit?  Bronchitis.  So he took a round of antibiotics and he's doing much better.  The cough is still hanging on a bit, but that's nothing compared to how it was. 
I've been keeping busy with the kids, my school work, cub scouts, and running.  The Ragnar relay is two weeks from today.  I'm not gonna lie.  I'm a little bit freaked out about it.  Especially since Nate couldn't get the time off work to go down with us.  Now I get to drive down to Las Vegas with the kids all by myself.  I'm also a bit worried about the running part.  I've been doing my training and I'm sure I'll be fine.  I even did two runs within 6 hours of each other the other day, one was 3 miles and one was 4.7.  My Ragnar legs are 3.1, 4.2, and 5.6 miles.  I can do each of those distances individually pretty easy.  It's the putting them all within 24-36 hours of each other that I'm a bit worried about.
Anyhoo....I just dropped in for a little blog therapy.  Maybe soon I'll have something wonderfully interesting to share. =)

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