Friday, April 10, 2009

Barnum Movie Review: KNOWING

It has been a LONG week! So last night, Nate and I got a babysitter and went to the movies. We'd heard from some friends that 'Knowing' with Nicolas Cage was good, but they wouldn't really tell us much more than that. We gave it a shot.

It was good, but a lot spookier than I thought it would be. Nicolas Cage plays a dad whose wife died tragically and he is now caring for their young son. He finds a paper with a series of numbers on it and figures out that they are predictions of disasters and they've all come true. Nate described it as "a little bit of sci-fi, a little action, a little religion...very nice." Anyway, I won't tell you the rest because that would totally ruin it for anyone who wants to see it. But, I will tell you that it made me smile, made me scared, and even made me cry. Overall, a good movie, but one of those that I don't need to watch again. At least not for a long time...

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