Friday, April 10, 2009


Just a warning.....a vent is headed your way. So if you don't want to read about it, leave now!

Today has just been one of those days. Oh, wait! It's been one of those WEEKS! I agreed to babysit a 3 year old girl all day every day this week (who knows why) and I think I'm going to lose it! First off, Lilly and this girl do NOT get along. Lilly considers her mere presence as an invasion of her space, which I understand. I can't leave these kids alone for five minutes without someone taking away a toy or having a breakdown for no apparent reason. Both Lilly and this girl are potty training. It's one thing to have to clean up after your own child's "accidents" but it's totally different when it's someone else's kid.

Jonah is off preschool this entire week. The poor kid is probably ready to scream himself. We're pretty much stuck at home, with the exception of a picnic at the park on wednesday when my sis. came and helped me walk them all over there. I feel like I haven't gotten a single thing done this entire week and now we have Easter weekend upon us. I still need to do easter eggs, baskets, a side dish for dinner at mom's, and sharing time for primary on Sunday.

About ten minutes after I finally got all four kids to sleep at the same time, Jayne woke up ready to eat. About fifteen minutes after that, Lilly got up. Then the other girl, and then Jonah. So, Jonah slept the longest, which was about 30 minutes, maybe 45.

All I want is a hot shower, some food, my hair and makeup done, and five minutes without the kids!

Oh, and my dishwasher broke on Monday and Jayne has started teething. Yeah, it's been a great week.

Disclaimer: I do love my children very much despite what you may think after reading the above post. I love being a mom and wouldn't have things any other way. I just need a break once in a while.....I don't see one coming any time soon


Kandis said...

sorry I'm sitting here laughing because I totally get you. However when I vent on my blog...I'm told how horrible I am. Now go take some time for yourself!

Unknown said...

I didn't know you had a blog! I hate those days. All i have to say is Good LUCK!
Sorry you have to deal with Paige (but bless her heart). I still can't believe she never brought you your dinner after you had Jane. (that's my venting, finally!!)

mbbatch04 said...

You poor thing! I feel your pain! I hope it all gets better soon! =)