Saturday, November 21, 2009

"Twilight".......I just don't get it

I honest to goodness do not understand the screaming, swooning, Edward vs. Jacob obsession of the Twilight series. Yes, I have read the books. When they first started coming out, I kept hearing how awesome they were and that I just had to read them. I really had no interest in it at all.

Then, about a year and a half ago, when all the books had come out my sister brought them all over to me and said I should read them. So I did, mostly out of curiosity. I really wanted to know what was so great that it had grown women doodling "Edward" on their grocery lists.

As soon as I started the books I was a bit annoyed with Stephanie Meyer's style of writing. I mostly skimmed the pages to catch the major dialogue and plot. I will admit, I find the story intriguing. I like the plot and I like the action mixed in with the romance. But in the end, I still didn't get it. I didn't feel any different. I wasn't passionate about it at all.

So then the first movie came out. Again...not really interested. I eventually ended up borrowing the DVD from my sister. I liked the movie alright. I hear the second one is much better and I do plan on seeing it....eventually. But I'll say it again....I just don't get it.

Nate has watched the first movie with me and he was constantly asking questions about all the vampires and about the rest of the story. So I thought maybe we'd read the second book together before we ever watched the second movie and then his questions would be answered.
So I borrowed the book from a friend and we started reading it last night. We didn't even make it through the first chapter! We just can't stand they way Stephanie Meyer writes. I guess his questions will just have to wait until we see the movie. After trying to read the book again, I've decided I like the movies better.

I was watching the news last night and they had a segment on the opening of "New Moon". They talked about a group of 30 and 40 somethings who had gotten together and had a huge party and then gone to the movie together. I think it's great that women have something like this that they bond over, but when you start asking your husband if you can call him 'Edward', as one woman on the program said she did(oh, and her husband let her. He must really love her.) then I think maybe the obsession has gone a little too far.

Anyway, in the midst of all this hype for the "New Moon" movie coming out, I just thought I'd share my thoughts on the matter. I understand that most of my wonderful friends will totally disagree with me, and that's okay. But as far as this whole Twilight phenomenon goes.....I just....don't....get it.


Jill Skouson said...

That's okay Ashley :) I just saw New Moon and it was really good. I think you (and Nate probably too) will really enjoy it.
That lady calling her husband Edward is DEFINITELY taking things too far. What a weirdo.

mbbatch04 said...

YAY!!!! Finally someone says something. I think I liked the books more than you did but I am with you on a lot of things. I think Twilight was directed at a teenage audience because the way she wrote drove me crazy too. You should read "The Host" I felt like she graduated in her writing and finally wrote a book geared toward adults.

Deborah said...

Ashley, you are fine hon. There are tons of people who feel just as you do. I personally love the series. Everyone is intitled to their opinion. New Moon the movie is better than Twilight the movie. I think you will like it better. There are tons of people out there that go way to far in their obsession with it. As for the previous comment, Stephanie Meyer wrote the book for herself, it was not intended for a teenage audience. It was the first thing she really wrote. The Host is an amazing book and lots of people think her writting is much better in that than in the Twilight Series.

jkaaberg said...

Ashley! I really don't understand this whole "Twilight" stuff! I honestly did NOT like the books at all. I didn't even finish reading them. I did get through the 2nd but I was done after that. My hubby tried to read them too! They were horible. The first movie was YUCK. The acting was horiable. We decided that we will rent "new moon" when it comes out. There is no way I'm spending more than a $1.00 on watching that show! I'm glad i'm not the only one! Thanks for voicing your opinion. I'm glad that there are some realitic people out there!

Shiree said...

I haven't read them, and don't want to. I don't plan on watching the movies, either. That's just me. :)