Friday, December 18, 2009

Laundry Squats

There are always days when a formal workout is just impossible. Well, I had one of those days this week. I love my workouts! They keep me sane and make me feel strong and active, so I hate days when I don't get to do them.
Well, one of the things on my to-do list that day was laundry, lots and lots of laundry! So, I made an exercise out of folding my laundry and I'm going to call them my 'laundry squats'.

I usually fold my laundry on the kitchen table. So, I placed my basket on the floor and did a squat to pick up the next piece of clothing that I was going to fold. My rule was that I was only allowed to pick up one item at a time, no handfuls of socks or anything like that.

Anyhoo...I definitely felt a bit sore in my legs and derriere the next day. I read somewhere that doing small intervals of exercises throughout the day can be just as effective as doing an hour long workout all at once. So next time you're doing some laundry, try some laundry squats! Your hips and buns and thighs will thank you!

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