Friday, November 19, 2010

I miss my body

I am nowhere near old.  I'm not exactly a young filly anymore either.   In my last post I mentioned a few things that no one ever tells you about growing up and becoming a parent.  Today, thanks to my adventure in running this morning(yes, running), I am reminded of one thing that nobody ever tells you about pregnancy and childbirth:  During pregnancy your body changes in ways you never thought imaginable and some of those ways NEVER GO BACK TO NORMAL!!!  So young women beware! 
A few of the doozies include, but are not limited to...

  • wider hips---I knew they'd spread a bit to make room for the babies, but I honestly didn't realize that they would spread more each time and then stay that way.  We're talking the bones people, not just fat.  
  • forgetfulness---when you're pregnant some hormone or something causes the neurons in your brain to be a little farther apart which causes the whole absentmindedness thing and no, they don't go back either.  
  • loose joints---over the course of three pregnancies, I became so good at dropping things that I am now not to be trusted with anything of value that may break upon impact with the ground.  Also, my hip joints are much more loose and are aching like crazy right now.  Yes, they were my inspiration for this enlightening post.  
  • saggy breasts---I had to say this one.  Sure, they get all full and nice while you're pregnant and during breastfeeding.  But beware the deflation!  It will happen as soon as that milk dries up.  Oh, and the deflation times 3?!  Yeah, my ladies look a bit tired.  Thank goodness for the miracles they can work with bras nowadays. 
  • skin---skin changes in weird ways when you have kids.  I have three times as many freckles now as I did before venturing into motherhood and a lovely(feel the sarcasm?) mole on my chin that appeared while pregnant with Jonah and only increased in size with Lilly and Jayne.  I'm saving some pennies to get the sucker lopped off one of these days when I don't have more important things to spend the money on.  
  • You grow hair in places you  never thought it possible---Yes, I'll admit it.  I never had to pluck ANYTHING before having babies.  Now I get these annoying black hairs on the sides of my face and sometimes my chin that I have to yank out on a very regular basis.  
  • Battle Scars----Thanks to the lack of elasticity of my skin and the wonderful weight gain of pregnancy, no amount of lotions or creams could prevent the gigantic stretch marks that now decorate my body.  They may fade, but those puppies don't go away.....ever. 
 I could probably go on some more, but you get the idea.  I miss my pre-baby body.  But I must admit, those three cute little creatures that are now my world were worth the sacrifice.  
So I will take my achy hips, stretch marks, and saggy breasts and slip into a hot bath....if I can remember where I put the bubbles. 


Unknown said...

Hahaa! It made me laugh because it's SOOOOO true!! I swear, having babies ages you. I think I look a lot older than my same-age friends without kids.

Ishihara Family said...

Oh how I feel your pain!!! Really does all of this have to happen to our bodies! Is it not enough we have to give birth. Why is it our husbands don't seem to have to deal with any part of their bodies changing! How unfair!!

The Barnum Family said...

Karen-Yeah, all Nate has to complain about is that he has a few gray hairs coming in. Sometimes I just want to point to my sagging tummy skin and say, "really, honey? I'll trade you!"
Erika- It totally ages us! I forgot to mention the dark under-eye circles from the all night feedings and staying up with sick kids and the stress wrinkles. I swear, I look a good five years older than I am.

Amanda and Ryan said...

Ashley you are BEAUTIFUL!

And if it helps you feel better I have hairs that appear on my chin and I don't have the babies to show for them either!
And to make you feel even better I would never admit that before...but you have inspired to come clean about my chin hair.
Thanks Ash :)

Unknown said...

I remember when I worked as a nurse assistant at a retirement home and I saw everything that happens to a woman's body, even the women who never had kids. We've got it pretty good right now :) We'll eventually get all saggy and wrinkly everywhere anyway. You are beautiful inside and out. Enjoy it :)