Monday, November 22, 2010

Winter has arrived and I am less than thrilled.

 Yesterday morning we awoke to 12 inches of snow outside and no power.  What a way for winter to make it's debut.  "Hey everybody!  I'm here to make you cold and miserable and NO! you can't even use your microwave or stove this morning to make some hot chocolate so that you feel better about all the snow I brought with me!"

The power went off sometime in the night, I think around 2 or 3am.  Since my kids are such tossers and turners, we had to get up a few times to make sure they had their blankets over them to stay warm.  One look out my window in the morning had me burrowing back under the covers.  We all kind of slept in a bit.  
At 10:00am, when the power still wasn't on, we decided we'd better get dressed for church so we could be on time.  When we arrived at the chapel, we noticed no power there either.  Luckily there were enough of us in the chapel to generate a bit of heat and enough light coming in through the windows for the pianist to see her music.  Despite the lack of power, the meeting was wonderful.  I left feeling so grateful for my blessings and looking forward to spending the day with the ones I love the most.  
The power did come back on about fifteen minutes before the meeting ended, but we were all told to go home rather than continue the block.  It probably had something to do with the fact that the rest of the church was still freezing cold and it takes a while to get that heater going.  

They say that when you live with a person you begin to take on some of their characteristics.  Nate and I have been living together for over seven years now and for the past seven winters I've listened to him tell me just how much he hates the snow and the cold.  I regret to announce that he has finally brought me over to the dark side.  I don't like snow.  Sure, it's pretty.....for about a minute.  Then you have to shovel it and drive in it and try to keep from freezing your nethers off.  Winter? No, thank you.  Give me sunshine and balmy breezes any day. 

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