Wednesday, August 12, 2009


As many of you know, I've been trying hard to get rid of the baby weight since Jayne was born. I've lost 33lbs so far and have about 10 to go until I'm at my pre-Jayne weight.
What is it about the last 10 pounds that is always so hard?! I'm working out and watching what I eat and I'm staying exactly the same! Arrrgghhhh!
I haven't updated my shrinking woman sidebar thingy because there's been nothing to report. I've seriously stayed the same weight for over a month now.
So......if any of you have been in my shoes, please send some good advice and weight loss vibes my way. I'd love to hear how you broke through a plateau. Please, please, please......pretty please!


Unknown said...

I hit plateaus when I was losing weight. What really seemed to help me was to shake up my routine. I had to switch my exercise routine. Your body will start to get used to something. Switch exercise DVDs or the amount of time you are working out. You may even want to think about changing some eating habits slightly.

I was doing the same exercise video over and over and hit a plateau. When I switched to working out on the elliptical and exercise bike the pounds started dropping again.

Best of luck! I know you can do it!

Amanda and Ryan said...

Hi Ashley, I don't have any recommendations for you, but I think you look amazing and those 10 pounds will come off you want them off!! Think Positive!!!
I did have a question for you though. I need some help with my blog and I was wondering if you would be willing to help. Let me know and I can get in touch with you! Thanks so much!

Missy said...

I have a heard if you change your work out routine that it helps good luck I have been stuck at my same weight for a while now too its very frustating but I look on the positive side I have not gained it back...:)

The Tanner Family said...

I loved your pictures..very cute! I am guessing you picked the blue outfits and your hubby picked the other? Both looked really good though:)

Shiree said...

I add another quick evening workout, like even 15 or 20 minutes, as many nights as I can. It is actually a really nice way to get out of the house and end the "it is so tiring and frustrating to be a mom" mood that I find myself in so frequently, too. ;) And, I get a lot of sleep. Sometimes I get a really good night's sleep and STILL take a nap. I have found that I gain when I am tired....