Thursday, September 10, 2009

Our Fresno Fiasco! Part 2: Being There

After arriving in Fresno Saturday afternoon, we all took a much needed nap. We were so exhausted that we had to set an alarm and wake the kids up to get to the birthday dinner on time.
The dinner was nice. We had yummy food and got to listen to my mom and her siblings tell stories about Grandpa. I learned a lot of stuff that I never knew. Such mom once lived in Chicago, they owned a vineyard for a while growing up, and my Grandpa was all about farming. Crazy how little I know about my own family.
I really need to work on that.
After the dinner we headed back to our room and put the kids to bed. I thought about sticking around to socialize a bit more, but the kiddos were all tuckered out and I knew that if I kept them up much longer, it would be a long night and a long day to follow.
We all slept much better that night. The kids even slept in--Thank Heaven for hotel black-out curtains! We got up around 9 and got ready for church. We attended a ward in Fresno with my mom. Afterwards, the family was all planning to get together in the hotel courtyard and swim and have lunch. We got the kids in their suits and headed out. Everyone else was eating first, but my kids insisted on getting in the pool first. So we swam first and ate later.
After swimming, it was nap time again. Can you tell that we love our sleep? =) Jonah, Lilly, Nate and I headed back to our room to snooze while Jayne slept in Grandma's arms. I hear she was quite the social butterfly while we were napping.
Anyway, after naps we played outside and visited some more. It was so nice to see so much of the family that we NEVER see. It was also fun to find out how many of them read my blog and therefore already knew everything going on in our lives. Isn't technology amazing?!
Here are a few fun pictures from the party. Somehow I didn't get any pictures of Sunday.

Lilly is blowing on her chicken strip to get it to cool off. She would put it right up to her lips like she was giving it a kiss.
Nate being a good sport even though he's wiped out from all that driving.
Jonah loved the fancy glasses for our lemonade. He just had to clink his glass with whoever was next to him. Aunt Rachel was a great help with the kids while we were there. So was Aunt Sarah, but I didn't get a picture of her. Thanks Sistahs!
Jonah, Lilly, and me with Grandpa Bennett. Doesn't Jonah look just thrilled to be there?! =)
Well, that about wraps up our time in Fresno. Check back soon for the final installment of Our Fresno Fiasco---- "Getting Home: The 18 Hour Driving Marathon!" Trust me, this is where it gets really good!

1 comment:

Tina said...

you are so funny! I love your stories. Glad you were able to get some time away...even though the DVD player didn't work. We know how that is!!!!!!!