Monday, September 28, 2009

Jonah's new class~ Lilly's new hair~ Jayne's new trick

We'll start with the oldest. Jonah had his first day of his new kindergarten class today. It took a little persuasion to get him to line up with his class and go in, but after that he did great. We had this conversation after I picked him up.
Me: "Did you have fun in your new class?"
Jonah: "I guess so."
Me: "Is your new teacher nice?"
Jonah: "She's nice, but she's not very smart. She called me a different name that is not my name."
Me: "What name did she call you?"
Jonah: "She said Jaclyn when she was supposed to say Jonah."
Me: "Oh, but other than that, was she a good teacher?"
Jonah: "I guess so."

So, he's less than enthusiastic about the new class and new teacher, but he didn't freak out about it either. He said that he made one new friend today, but he couldn't remember his name. I assured him that he would learn his new friend's name in no time. So far, so good.

Now, to Lilly.... Lilly does not like having her hair combed, or washed, or put in a ponytail, or touched in any way. After about a month of trying to convince her, she finally came around to the idea of having it cut short so that she wouldn't have so many tangles and we wouldn't have to put it in ponytails. Last night, Aunt Rachel did the honors.
Here is a before picture. This is Lilly getting a pedicure from Daddy a few days ago. That's about as 'done' as her hair would ever get. We'd put in a clip to hold her bangs out of her eyes and that's all she'd let me do. As a side note, what a great daddy to give his little girl pedicures! Love you Babe!
Here is the after. Her hair likes to fall straight forward into her eyes. We took this right before getting ready for bed last night, so I didn't put a clip in like we did today. She loves her new hair and was so excited when I combed it this morning and we had NO tangles!

Jayne has a fun new trick. She's walking! She started taking a few steps on her own a couple of weeks ago. She doesn't walk exclusively yet, but she does it a lot and can take ten or more steps all by herself. I don't have a picture of her actually walking and I haven't got it on video yet (I know, I know, I'm totally going to lose that 'Mom of the Year Award' for that), but here is a cute picture of her pushing her little walker that she plays with sometimes.
She's trying to figure out how to put it in reverse.

So, that's what's new with our brood. Thanks for letting me share!


Tina said...

I'm sure he'll love his new class, and meet new friends! Lilly, you are so cute! Love the new "do"! Yeah for Jayne walking! What a big girl!

Unknown said...

Lilly's hair is so darn cute! And I can't believe Jayne is almost walking. I swear she was just born like, 5 months ago.

The Tanner Family said...

I love the hair cut! Very cute on her. thats awesome that Jayne is walking..Im scared for that day to come:)

Camille said...

Your kids are darling! I love Lilly's hair! How funny that Jonah doesn't think his teacher is smart because she called him the wrong name!