Friday, September 18, 2009

I'm about to make another attempt at.....

...camping! My poor Nate desperately wants us to be a camping, outdoorsy family. We've already made two attempts over the summer---one with the kids and one without. We lasted one night on each. I just don't camp.
But...I love my husband. So, tomorrow morning my mom and sister are coming over to stay with the kids and Nate and I are going to head up the Mirror Lake Hwy and spend the day basking in Mother Nature's glory. We're only staying one night, so I'm pretty sure I'll survive. Besides, who wouldn't want 24 hours alone with the hubby? Even if I have to use the stinky outhouse and can't sleep because I just KNOW I'm going to be attacked by a bear or some psycho during the night......

Man, I've got issues


Jaimie said...

Good luck with the camping! I am jealous of the 24 hours of kid free time. Maybe you'll feel more secure if you sleep with pepper spray under your pillow. :)

Tina said...

hehe. You are funny! Have a fun time, you are braver than me! :)

Amanda and Ryan said...

Hope you had fun and managed to stay out of a hotel this time:)