Thursday, September 3, 2009

September is such a magical time, going back to school and all. Jonah just finished his second week of kindergarten and Lilly will start preschool next Wednesday. Jonah has always loved school. He did preschool for two years. He was a little grumpy the first week, but has been much better this week. Today, when I picked him up, he ran up to me and about knocked me over with a huge hug and a kiss on the cheek and said that he had a "so much fun" day at school.

Lilly asks me every day if it is time for her to go to 'her' school yet. She's getting really excited. She'll be going twice a week. I met her teacher last week and wasn't too impressed. We're going to give her the benefit of the doubt and see how it goes. I'll be volunteering in the classroom quite a bit, so I'll be able to see how she runs things.

Last Sunday we had a fun visit from Uncle Loron and Aunt Cathy. Loron bought the kids all kinds of fun stuff for school. They each got new backpacks and big bag full of crayons, coloring books, paper, pencils, pens, and anything else you could possibly need to start off your education right. Jayne especially loved Lilly's new backpack. Jayne loves bags. It's like they pull her to them with some invisible force. If you put your bag on the ground and Jayne is anywhere around, she'll find it and try to drag it with her.
She quickly latched on to Lilly's backpack and even walked around the living room with it. Since Sunday, she still goes into Lilly's closet anytime it's left open and drags out the backpack. So cute! A few weeks ago, the kids helped Nate wash the Jeep. They were so cute that I had to take a picture. Here's Jayne on the front porch overseeing the fun.
Lilly & Jonah were such good helpers, almost too good sometimes. Nate would have a spot dry and they would come and 'wash' it again.
Last weekend, Nate decided that he'd had enough of our white walls. One trip to Lowe's and about an hour and here's what happened.
Our kitchen is now "marasca cherry". He has big plans for the rest of the house too. We'll keep you posted.
Anyhoo....that's about all I've got for now. Hope everyone is having a happy September!

1 comment:

Camille said...

Your kids are darling! I love the wall color...sometimes white gets boring!