Thursday, October 22, 2009

End of Days Jeopardy!

Nate is our ward activities committee chairman. He's had the calling for about a year now. A couple months ago, the bishopric asked him to do a ward activity that was centered around emergency preparedness. Nate really found this a challenge because most people find emergency preparedness stuff a bit boring. But, as many of you know, Nate is anything but boring!

He came up with the idea of doing what he called 'End of Days Jeopardy!'. We basically did the game show using emergency preparedness info for the categories and questions. We gave each contestant something to use as their "buzzer". We used a pan and wooden spoon, a baby rattle, a whistle, and a bike/clown horn.

Contestants were chosen at random from the audience using cards taped to the bottom of the chairs. Our scorekeeper and 'Vanna'(who took the cards from the board when they were chosen--and also turned out to be our bishop and he even wore the name tag that said Vanna and he did such a great job) were also chosen that way.

Everyone who came to the activity got an emergency preparedness themed prize. They ranged from wet wipes to matches to light sticks. And one lucky winner got the grand prize--the 'Honey Pot' which was one of those emergency potties made from a big bucket.

Everyone had a great time! We got pretty good attendance, not as much as our last activity-the 'No Talent' night, but we filled most of the chairs and had a lot of fun.

Now we need to recover. We spent most of yesterday setting things up and running around trying to find plastic spider rings, which I was shocked to find that three grocery stores with lots of Halloween stuff had absolutely NO spider rings! What's up with that?!

Anyway, it was a fun night. You did a great job Nate! And a great big THANK YOU to everyone who came out and supported us!

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