Saturday, February 12, 2011

Weekly Weigh In

So, remember how I said that some weeks you gain weight?  Well, this was one of those weeks for me.  I didn't go up by much, just 0.2, and I actually thought it would be worse.  So, what did I do wrong this week?  Pretty much everything.  I didn't track every day, I hardly drank any water, I binged on cookies and m&m's and whatever else I wanted.  I think the only thing I did right was to get in at least five workouts.  That's probably the one thing that stopped me from gaining two or three pounds.  I'm such an emotional eater and that is my biggest challenge.  I'm working on learning to step away from the situation and ask myself "Why exactly are you putting this umpteenth cookie in your mouth?"  
Like I said, this is a journey and it doesn't come easy.  So this week I'm ready to track everything I put in my mouth as well as my activity points, make sure I get my waters in every day, do my workouts,and cut back on the junk.  
I planned out our dinner menu for the entire week and pre-calculated the points for each meal.  Dinner is always my biggest meal of the day and I find that if I know how many points it will use up, I can plan the rest of my food around that.  I've got my kitchen stocked with fresh fruits and veggies for snacks and I'll be chewing sugar free mint gum while I bake these sugar cookies for Valentine's day to deter myself from eating fifty of them in the process. 
There you have it.  I fell off that blasted wagon already, but I've jumped back on, fastened my seat belt, and committed anew. 

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