Monday, February 7, 2011

Year Round School vs. Traditional: Which do you prefer?

Our elementary school is on a year round track schedule.  With Jonah being in 1st grade, this is our second year with this type of schedule and it seems that with every track break, I despise it even more.  I've heard people claim that year round school is supposed to increase retention and that the more frequent breaks are supposed to be beneficial, but I'm not seeing it.  I feel like the three week breaks interrupt their learning a bit too much.  For example, Jonah's track only went to school for two weeks after Christmas break before having a three week track break.  It felt like those two weeks were pointless.  His teacher didn't send home the usual homework sheets or mark in their planners or anything. 
I don't know about other people's children, but Jonah really hates changes in his schedule.  It feels like as soon as we get into the swing of things with school, he goes on another break and then we have to kind of start over again.  He went back on track today and when he got home, I could tell he was exhausted and emotional. It's usually like that for the first few days that he's back in school. 
They're building a new elementary school in our neighborhood which I hear is going to be on a traditional schedule.  Alas, we're about six houses north of the border for the new school. I've heard rumors that they might switch our school to traditional since the number of students should be down, but nothing is for certain.  So, I guess I'm wondering how others feel about it.  Year round or traditional?  I'd love to hear your thoughts. 


Unknown said...

I grew up with traditional school, so that's all I know. Year-round school sounds good, but you're right- right when kids would be getting in a routine it would be interrupted again for 3 weeks. I think traditional makes the most sense to me!

Amanda said...

I totally agree with you on the stress that is puts on the kids, especially if they are on a very strict schedule and need a routine. I've had the same problem with Rylee this year. I hate it when it's time to go back on track. Anyway I think that every child and family is different. When my older two were in elementary I LOVED year round. It was so nice to have half the day with only half the kids. Now that they are in Jr. High, hence a traditional schedule, I would love it if my younger two were on a traditional schedule. Hopefully that will happen!