Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Weight Watchers: Take 4

Last Saturday I joined Weight Watchers....for the 4th time.  Now before you go thinking that the program must not work or I  must be such a quitter if I'm having to go back for the 4th time, let me explain my previous WW experiences.  

Take 1---I joined with my mom halfway through my second year of college.  I started at 180lbs and I lost 20 pounds before getting married that summer and moving away.  After I got married, I gained a lot of weight and then I got pregnant.  

Take 2---I joined, again with my mom, when Jonah was about 8 months old.  My starting weight?  221lbs.  Yes, you read that right.  This time I lost 60lbs before once again getting pregnant.  Are you sensing a pattern here?

Take 3---I rejoined WW two months after Lilly was born. My starting weight this time was somewhere in the 180's again and I lost about 20lbs before we moved and I stopped going to meetings.  I maintained this weight until I got pregnant with Jayne.  

Take 4---I managed to lose most of the "Jayne-weight" on my own, but over the last year I've gained back about 15 pounds.  My mom rejoined WW last year and recently reached her lifetime goal.  Watching her has helped give me the kick in the pants that I needed to re-up.  My starting weight is 184.4. 

Why Weight Watchers? What I love about WW is that it's not restrictive as far as what foods you can and cannot eat.  Foods are assigned a "points" value that is calculated using fat, fiber, carbs, and protein.  You have a daily points allowance and you simply track what you eat and don't eat more than your daily allowance.  You also have extra points to use weekly when you need them.  I've never been one who could just cut out sweets, or chocolate, or carbs, or anything from my diet.  I love that I can still eat ice cream or a chocolate bar once in a while, I just have to plan for it.  Also, all fruits and most vegetables are zero points.  So if I'm hungry, but I don't want to use points, I just grab a banana or apple or some carrots and I'm good to go. 
I also love the weekly meetings.  It's so great to meet with a bunch of people you can really relate to and who understand what you're trying to do and the challenges you're facing.  Plus, seeing other peoples' progress always inspires me. 
So, be prepared to read about my progress.  I'll be posting about it at least once a week as a way to sort of take even more accountability.  
So far this week, I'm feeling pretty good.  I've been to the gym twice, doing 40 minutes on the elliptical machine each time, and I'm planning to do my workout DVD tonight after the kids are in bed.  I've been pretty good with my points, but I definitely need to hit the store and stock up on some more bananas and apples for those "munchie" moments.  
Well, wish me luck and stay tuned for a new and improved, healthier and smaller version of Ashley.


Jill Skouson said...

Good for you Ashley! Good luck :)

Unknown said...

I know a ton of people that are doing weight watchers right now and they're all shrinking really fast. I like WW b/c it's realistic and teaches you to be aware of what your eating as well as portion size. You'll be great at it, again! And I'm pretty sure it's normal to gain weight when you get pregnant... lol.

Camille said...

Good for you! I've heard WW works for most people, maybe I'll have to give it a try. Keep posting about your experience and good luck!!

Lindsey said...

Good Luck! I've heard great things about Weight Watchers!