Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Ice Age 3: Dawn of the Dinosaurs

Last night we took Jonah & Lilly to see the new Ice Age movie. We don't take them to movies very often, but they've been asking to go see this one ever since they got an Ice Age toy in their happy meals a few weeks ago. Jonah kept asking if we could "borrow it from the movie store." I explained that it wouldn't be out to rent for a long time because it was in the theatres and he decided we should go see it. This was the kids' 3rd time seeing a movie at the theater.

We got a sitter for Jayne because we're big believers in NOT taking babies to the movies. We just went to our little local theater. The kids each got their own popcorn, airhead, and little drink. Lilly didn't want to sit on her own seat because she was afraid it would close up on her, so she sat on my lap.

The kids LOVED the movie! Nate and I enjoyed it too. It was really cute, kid appropriate(some "kid" movies aren't these days), and it was just the right length for little kids. Jonah really liked all the dinosaurs in the movie and as soon as we got home, Lilly started pretending to be the mama T-Rex. She was stomping around the house and growling. I even had to call her Mama T-Rex to get her to respond. It was so cute!

It was such a fun night out for us. Also, as a side note, I'm so grateful to have a husband who wants to spend his days off doing things with his family. No matter what he has to get done that day, from mowing someone's lawn to getting an allergy shot, he always wants us to come with him. They're my favorite days of the week because we always do something together. Thanks Babe!

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