Monday, July 13, 2009

Fun at the Pool

On Saturday Nate got off work a little early, so we thought it would be fun to take the kids swimming. Jonah has been asking to go all summer, but I don't dare try to handle all three kids in the pool by myself, so we hadn't gone yet. We took them over to the West Valley fitness center indoor pool because the outdoor ones were going to close in an hour. We haven't taken them to a big swimming pool since Jonah was a baby and the kids loved it! Jonah was so funny. He just ran right into the water and kept on going. I caught up to him just as he took one step too many into the deeper water. That kid has always been a water baby! Lilly was a little more cautious. She loved their little duckie slide and the waterfalls, but she hated the river current and didn't like to get more than her waist in the water.
They have a big waterslide and Jonah was so excited to go on it. Luckily, he was just barely tall enough. I think he would have cried if they told him he couldn't go. You can't go double on the slide, so I went down first and waited for him at the bottom. The water in the bottom pool is only 3 feet deep, but Jonah wouldn't put his feet down to touch it. As soon as he plopped into the water he went all the way under. I pulled him up and he was just spitting and wiping his eyes like crazy. He loved it though. He went on the slide again later with daddy.
Jayne had a fabulous time in the water! Nate strapped her in the snuggly and carried her around playing in the water falls and floating around the little river current. She absolutely loved it! She was kicking like crazy anytime her feet were in the water.
So, that was our little family activity. Sorry we didn't get any pictures, be we were all too wet and having too much fun to stop and pull out the camera.


Amanda and Ryan said...

Sounds like a blast. I don't remember pools being like that when we were kids but reading your story reminded me of swimming at Grandma Beth's condo. I miss those days.

The Barnum Family said...

Yeah, Grandma's pool was the best. I remember swimming there so much in the summer and she would always bring over some popsicles for when we were done.
Amanda, I can't seem to leave a comment on your blog, but I love reading it!