Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Goblin Valley Part 2: Burning Dinner, Trying to Sleep, & Outwitting the Shower

We arrived in Goblin Valley Saturday afternoon. While Nate and Kaleb set up the tent, Jonah and Lilly wasted no time getting out their camping chairs and building their own 'fire'.
So.... burning dinner. I made my first attempt at foil dinners. Nate built the fire and placed them in the coals. I kept thinking we should check on them, but we got distracted and then it started pouring rain. Our fire stayed lit through the rain, and once it dried out a bit we finally checked the dinners and they were very well done. Luckily we had two more that hadn't been put on the fire yet and they turned out okay. Next time, I'm sticking to hot dogs on a stick. We actually slept pretty good that night, once we got everyone in bed. We put the kids to bed and Nate, Kaleb, and I stayed up and played some poker with starbursts. Nate came out the winner, but was generous enough to share his bounty. We went to bed around 11:30.
Apparently, our sweet Lilly talks in her sleep. She also wiggles out of her covers A LOT! We were up every hour or two tucking her back in. Luckily, it wasn't too cold. Jayne and Jonah slept great, but they both woke us up in the wee hours of the morning. Jayne for a bottle, and Jonah for a trip to the bathroom. Here's Jonah on the trail back to our campsite after his early morning trek to the potty.
This is how early Jayne and Jonah got up.
None of us really went back to sleep after that. We got everyone up and dressed and munched on some cinnamon rolls for breakfast. Once I got the kids dressed and ready to go, I decided that I wanted to rinse off in the shower before getting dressed for our daily activities. So, I gathered my towel and clothes(I forgot the soap) and walked down to the showers. I really wanted some soap, so I stopped in the restroom and filled my hand with the liquid soap they have for washing hands. Then I got in the shower stall and proceeded to, very carefully, undress without losing the precious soap in my hand. I'm happy to report I was successful in that endeavor. In turning on the shower? Not so much. I tried EVERYTHING to get the water to come on! I turned the handle a ZILLION times! I wiggled and jiggled and poked everything I could think of, and no water! Baffled, I decided to try another stall. So I managed to wrap my towel around me, gather my belongings, and move one stall over(all while holding my precious soap). I tried the shower again....no dice. By this time I was getting VERY frustrated. I heard a shower on in the stall next to mine, so I decided to patiently wait for the person to come out and ask them what the secret was. So, there I stood, wrapped in my blue towel outside the showers. When the lady emerged, I asked my question. She informed me that there is a 'sensor' shaped like a circle that you have to touch. It's not a 'button'. It looks like this tiny little decorative thing and I hadn't even thought to try it. She said she had the same problem the first time she used them. Yeah...I was a little embarrassed. Anyway...I finally got the water on, but by this time I had lost my soap. So I just rinsed myself off the best I could and got dressed.
I know...long story. Typing it has exhausted me. So I'll leave you with a picture of Lilly from Sunday morning. She didn't want her picture taken, so Nate snuck under the table to get this shot. Our next installment will be....."A 3 mile Hike with 3 little kids & the Goblins of the Valley"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your camping trip sounds funny. Dustin and I haven't tried camping with Lillie yet... but I agree. Sometimes camping is not fun for the wife, who spends a week packing and preparing!
Is Claudia still doing the "random seating assignment" deal in Primary? That is weird and totally would NEVER work. Just have the Val 11 girls sit behind the Val 11 boys, for some reason that works pretty well. Anything would be better than that raffle idea.
Dustin and I got called to team-teach CTR 6. I don't know why they need a team teaching assignemtn, that class only has 5 kids on the roster.
Anyway, your posts make me laugh!