Monday, June 22, 2009

Our Trip to Goblin Valley Part 1

Let's start with the drive. It's about a 4 hour drive from Magna to Goblin Valley. I figured it wouldn't be bad because we've done much longer drives with the kids before(Las Vegas). Jonah & Lilly wanted to sit in the very back together, Kaleb and Jayne sat in the middle with Nate and I in the front. The kids loved passing by these at the mouth of the canyon. For the life of me, I can't remember what they're actually called. So we'll just call them the "wind propeller energy thingys."

We made a pit stop at the McDonald's in Price. It was great for the kids to run around and get some wiggles out, and of course Jayne had to eat and get a diaper change. Nate's finally getting used to the fact that when you drive with kids, you've got to stop every couple of hours.

If you've paid any attention to Utah weather recently, you know that it's been rainy. We tried to pack carefully and cover everything in plastic bags(we didn't have a tarp--lesson learned), but everything got soaked on the way down anyway.

Overall, the drive was good. The kids were great(can you say portable DVD players?) and it was so helpful to have Kaleb in the back seat with Jayne. Once we got to the campsite, we got the tent set up and laid everything out to dry. Almost everything got dried out and put away before it started raining on us.
The one thing I didn't get a picture of about the drive was Lilly's very first experience with going potty on the side of the road. She picked a very inconvenient time to have to use the bathroom. We were in the middle of the canyon and it was pouring rain. The image of Nate holding her off the side of the jeep with her feet up and her bare bum hanging down will be etched in my mind forever!
Stay tuned for our next installment:
Trying to Sleep and Outwitting the Shower

1 comment:

mbbatch04 said...

Fun! Portable Dvd players are AWESOME! I know ours has saved our life many times! =)