Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Losing the Weight: Week 3

Alright, here's my weekly update. I had a very stressfull week and I am definitely an emotional eater, so needless to say, I had a hard time. I got in 4 Jillian Micheals workouts and two evening sessions of water aerobics (thanks Roni!). The eating is what got me.
Anyway....I did lose 1 pound, so I guess that's something to be grateful for. SO, I'm just picking myself up and getting back on the wagon. My goal is 2 pounds for this week.


Camille said...

A loss is a loss! I was reading somewhere online and it said 2 lbs a week is a great target because it's building a healthy lifestyle change and it's a loss that you can keep off for a long congrats on another week of losing weight!

Unknown said...

Way to go losing weight. It wasn't a gain! Losing 2 pounds a week is ideal. It takes longer to lose it, but it is much easier to mantain when you have lost the weight at this pace.