Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Losing the Weight~ Week 4

I'm down 1 more pound this week. I know slow and steady is the best way to get it off and keep it off, so I'm not complaining. I probably could have lost more if I didn't indulge in skittles and french fries last week. =)
In case anyone is wondering, here's what's working for me:

LOTS of water! -- I have a 64oz mug that I fill with ice water first thing in the morning. I try to drink the whole thing by lunch and then refill it and down the rest by dinner. I always drink at least 64oz a day if I don't get more than that.

EXERCISE! --For me, the weight has never come off without working out. Some of my favorite ways to work out include the elliptical machine, walking, weights, and right now I'm doing Jillian Micheal's 30 Day Shred DVD. It's a really tough workout, but I can definitely feel and see the results. I feel a lot stronger and I like that it's only about 30 minutes long. I make sure I workout at least 4 days a week, usually 5 or 6.

No Snacks! --I do cheat sometimes. If I just have to have a snack, I opt for 94% fat free popcorn, an apple, carrots, or a fat free yogurt.

STOP eating after Dinner!--Nate and I watch a movie together every night after the kids are in bed. I discovered that I usually snack all through the movie, and it's not usually very healthy stuff. So, I've been trying not to eat anything after dinner. If I just can't make it without something in my mouth(I'm such a muncher!) I again opt for one of the healthy snacks above, or 1/2 cup of Light or Fat Free ice cream. I LOVE Dreyers Slow Churned ice cream! It's so yummy, you wouldn't even know that it's Light.

Keep Healthy Food in the House! -- Since I'm a stay at home mom, I'm in my kitchen A LOT! It's so easy to just throw food in my mouth. So, I don't keep tempting foods in my house. I hardly ever buy chocolate because it's my worst. If I'm going to have a candy bar or some other chocolatey treat, I buy just one. I'm not an advocate of the whole "Never eat anything with sugar or fat or calories or carbs!" kind of diet. I believe all things in moderation is the best way to go. However, if I buy a big bag of snickers as opposed to just one snicker's bar, I know that bag is going to be gone within the week and I will be the one who ate it. Nate says I should just have more willpower, but that hasn't worked for me.

Anyway....there's my ramblings for the day. Thanks to everyone who is so supportive of me as I work on getting back to Pre-Jayne!

1 comment:

Missy said...

Good job keep it up!:)